Web Hits
Monday, May 10, 2010
Obama cheating scandal, is there any validity?
What we know about Vera Baker, the alleged woman at the heart of Obama's cheating scandal, is that she acted as Finance Director for Obama's 2004 state senate campaign. What we don't know much about is where the rumours stem from.
It seems as though many of the news outlets are afraid to mention the possibility that the holy and perfect above all Barack Obama may have slipped up between 2004 and 2008. Even FoxNews failed to mention the allegations.
Is it because they're afraid of being labeled racist or is there actually no merit to the stories?
What people might not know is that allegations of holy Obama cheating on his wife have been circulating for some time. The first rumours began flying some three years ago when rumours appeared on the internet. However, the rumours were dismissed due to a lack of evidence.
But now allegations are circulating once again stemming from articles put forth by the Globe Magazine and The National Enquirer. If you'll remember back, the enquirer did break the Tiger Woods scandal so their is some kind of reporting legitimacy to that publication.
Both articles quote Obama's former limo driver.
"I drove them to the hotel and they went in together. My services for the eventing were done. There was no indication that they were planning on leaving the hotel that night."
The driver went on to question the events finding out "they were staying the night."
Miss Baker "was not staying there so I found it a bit odd."
When discussing the events with friends the other night they passionately denied the claims immediately siding with the Obama camp and completely blowing off the possibility that, yes, a wealthy politician would even consider cheating on a spouse.
Coincidentally, my last blog post months ago mentions…you guessed it…a smiling politician cheating.
We know politicians have a unique history of doing such things. From Eliot Spitzer to Mark Sanford to Newt Gingrich. Even John McCain has admitted to cheating on his current wife. Finally, you can't have this conversation with mentioning wet willy Bill Clinton.
So why is everyone so quick to deny the claims and deny any possibility? What do you think is the likelihood? Let me know...
Monday's kickoff: Canada wants national bird to rival bald eagle
- Michael Jackson might be dead but his presence is still being felt from the grave -- literally. Ricardo West, 22, of Allen Park, Michigan routinely performs as a Jackson impersonator. But officials say he's gone a little far and is now charged with 12 counts of misconduct in sexually obstructing an 11-year-old child. The King of Pop lives on.
- The Chinese are at it again. A man in China has reappeared after being "hacked to death 10 years ago." State media reported the man popped up in his home town to the community's surprise. The findings raise questions about police torture in getting a man to admit to the murder. The man who admitted to the crime has been released.
- Canada is searching for a national bird to rival America's bald eagle. A poll is going out to name Canada's new national bird and will be named when a bird receives 200,000 votes. What can Canada possibly choose? Canadian Goose?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
It doesn't get lower than this....
How big of a dirt ball is John Edwards?
KID GIVEN GUN FOR EASTER, Then blows away Daddy's girlfriend...
One of the youngest ever to be charged as an adult.
STAGGERING DISCOVERY: VAncouver Olympics ripped off mascot...
Way to go Canada, you ripped off the Vanvouver 2010 Winter Olympics mascot.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Environmentalists are officially insane!!
Whalers in the arctic are increasingly in danger as they are being attacked by environmental animal loving groups that want them to cease the slaughtering of whales.
Scout project becomes childhood dream -BREAST EXAMS
Monday, February 8, 2010
Why I'm okay with American's taking Haitian children
50 states in 50 photos continues....
Beer might be good for you?
Beer might be good for you.
Now I have your attention.
No, really, beer might actually be good for your bones according to a new study that links the amount of silicon in beer to good bone health.
Little was known about how these silicon levels affected bone health until a recent study involving 100 commercial beers. Researches measured the silicon levels in the beers only to find that the high levels of silicon might enhance bone health and growth.
Knowing some of my buddies, they will probably think this is a free ticket to ride the beer goggle roller coaster. However, scientists are warning that beer should still be consumed in moderation.
A look to the future: Next week I will most likely be blogging about some idiot that took this seriously and killed himself via alcohol poisoning. I can see it now…the last words he muttered to his buddies -- "at least my bones are sturdy."
Soldier Waterboards Daughter, 4, after ABCs fallout
The caption of the week contest goes to winger for this dandy...
Advertisment: "UPS having trouble handling your pocket sewing machine orders? Call "Guy In A Tux" Delivery. He will make sure you can attent to all of your minor stiching emergencies>"
Friday, February 5, 2010
SEXY STORY: Seattle comes down on Bikini Bartenders...
NYC Student arrested for writing on desk...
There's not too much information on this other than apparently a 12-year-old student was arrested and taken from class after doodling on her desk.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
I LOVE THIS GUY, man ticketed for using car pool lane
HUGE SHOCKER: Brittany killed herself!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mildred's Temple Kitchen, a restaurant located not too far from the conservative Canadian, is promoting sex in all of its' four bathrooms.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
REMARKABLE BREAKTHROUGH -- Teaching Abstinence only doesn't work!
CNN is releasing results from a long term study on whether or not schools should be teaching fifth and sixth graders Abstinent-only sex ed or Safe sex ed...
A conversation held between a Chinese national and I...
I'm not gonna carry on it's stupid to talk about something you have no true knowledge of.
China is a place of suppression and oppression. It's communist and it's a place where freedom doesn't exist.
You can't even surf the internet there without government restrictions. You can't practice Christianity there without the government monitoring you. Isn't there a rule that you're only allowed to have one child???...See More
Girl, 9, becomes youngest mother EVER..But wait.....
Don't Ask Don't Tell under fire...CAN YOU BELIEVE GAYS ARE IN THE ARMY?!?!?!
Believe it or not...gays are in the military.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Anyone else think GAGA has a strange 'midsection' region?
I Do...
The Contest: Write the best cutline, headline for the PHOTO
Last week's POLL RESULTS....
Monday's Run Through....
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Man turns Children into human force shield, Then takes over McDonalds play area...
This story out of Colorado -- Hippies....