Web Hits

Monday, May 10, 2010

Obama cheating scandal, is there any validity?

What we know about Vera Baker, the alleged woman at the heart of Obama's cheating scandal, is that she acted as Finance Director for Obama's 2004 state senate campaign. What we don't know much about is where the rumours stem from.

It seems as though many of the news outlets are afraid to mention the possibility that the holy and perfect above all Barack Obama may have slipped up between 2004 and 2008. Even FoxNews failed to mention the allegations.

Is it because they're afraid of being labeled racist or is there actually no merit to the stories?

What people might not know is that allegations of holy Obama cheating on his wife have been circulating for some time. The first rumours began flying some three years ago when rumours appeared on the internet. However, the rumours were dismissed due to a lack of evidence.

But now allegations are circulating once again stemming from articles put forth by the Globe Magazine and The National Enquirer. If you'll remember back, the enquirer did break the Tiger Woods scandal so their is some kind of reporting legitimacy to that publication.

Both articles quote Obama's former limo driver.

"I drove them to the hotel and they went in together. My services for the eventing were done. There was no indication that they were planning on leaving the hotel that night."

The driver went on to question the events finding out "they were staying the night."

Miss Baker "was not staying there so I found it a bit odd."


When discussing the events with friends the other night they passionately denied the claims immediately siding with the Obama camp and completely blowing off the possibility that, yes, a wealthy politician would even consider cheating on a spouse.

Coincidentally, my last blog post months ago mentions…you guessed it…a smiling politician cheating.

We know politicians have a unique history of doing such things. From Eliot Spitzer to Mark Sanford to Newt Gingrich. Even John McCain has admitted to cheating on his current wife. Finally, you can't have this conversation with mentioning wet willy Bill Clinton.

So why is everyone so quick to deny the claims and deny any possibility? What do you think is the likelihood? Let me know...

Monday's kickoff: Canada wants national bird to rival bald eagle

- Michael Jackson might be dead but his presence is still being felt from the grave -- literally. Ricardo West, 22, of Allen Park, Michigan routinely performs as a Jackson impersonator. But officials say he's gone a little far and is now charged with 12 counts of misconduct in sexually obstructing an 11-year-old child. The King of Pop lives on.

- The Chinese are at it again. A man in China has reappeared after being "hacked to death 10 years ago." State media reported the man popped up in his home town to the community's surprise. The findings raise questions about police torture in getting a man to admit to the murder. The man who admitted to the crime has been released.

- Canada is searching for a national bird to rival America's bald eagle. A poll is going out to name Canada's new national bird and will be named when a bird receives 200,000 votes. What can Canada possibly choose? Canadian Goose?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It doesn't get lower than this....

How big of a dirt ball is John Edwards?

The former presidential candidate has asked his mistress Rielle Hunter to marry him. After cheating on his wife (who has been fighting life threatening cancer for the past couple of years) and having a child with his mistress. He has now pulled off the ultimate betrayal and asked his long time mistress to marry him.

This guy doesn't even wait for his wife to recover from Cancer -- if she ever does....

He just leaves his family and will marry some slut.

If you voted for John Edwards you're a dirt ball too. This guy looked sleezy from the beginning.

It's pretty sad when I'd rather have Sarah Palin as President than this guy.

What a piece of shit.

KID GIVEN GUN FOR EASTER, Then blows away Daddy's girlfriend...

One of the youngest ever to be charged as an adult.

This honour has been bestowed on 12-year-old Jordan Brown of PA.

What did he do?

Oh...not much....

The chubby little fifth grader received a shotgun from his dad for Easter and decided he blow away his dad's 20something year old girlfriend by shooting her in the face while she slept. Oh ya, she was also 8 months pregnant meaning he's charged in the infants death too.

Lesson, don't buy your fifth grader a sawed off shotgun for Easter, wait for Christmas.

Poor little Jordan has been described as an "All-American Boy."

Oh ya??? He was probably planning on going to college one day and taking over dad's farm too?

This kid is a psycho and should be locked up for a while. And, because he's being charged as an adult, he will most likely be in there until he's at least 30. That's scary...


STAGGERING DISCOVERY: VAncouver Olympics ripped off mascot...

Way to go Canada, you ripped off the Vanvouver 2010 Winter Olympics mascot.

Don't believe me, the evidence is next to the article.

In the "live photo" we see the Vancouver2010 mascot, while in the illustration we see 'Pedobear,' the official mascot for pedophilia on the internet and the Hero of Finland.

Urban Dictionary lists Pedobear as a mythical bear that stalks down little girls and 'goes to town' with them.

Now why would Canada choose pedobear as their mascot?

The media up here is keeping this one quiet, as they should....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

And we wonder why atheism is on the rise....

Environmentalists are officially insane!!

Whalers in the arctic are increasingly in danger as they are being attacked by environmental animal loving groups that want them to cease the slaughtering of whales.

The Sea Shepherd conservation group is continually attacking whaling ships for what they deem to be full of "murderers."

The conservation group throws molotov cocktails onto whaling ships, rams their boats and fires water cannons at whalers just trying to do their jobs. In an attempt to sink the vessels, they've attempted to board the whaling ships and take people hostage.

So let me understand this....

You are attempting to save whales by killing innocent whalers which in turn means you are murderers yourselves?

Does that make sense to anyone?

How about you try this. IF these whalers are in fact taking part in illegal acts then why not simply follow them and contact authorities that can arrest the men? But now, you've turned me against you because: 1. These are simply whales and who the hell cares if they die. 2. You are attempting to fight whalers by potentially killing them and, in return, doing the same thing you are fighting against.

I've never been a fan of conservationists -- In fact PETA really annoys me.

But something is seriously wrong with you if you care more about whales than humanity.

Get a hobby, a job and use some whale blubber to grease your frying pans in the morning.

Scout project becomes childhood dream -BREAST EXAMS

Get these kids on the Man Show now...

Ladies...would you let them?

Jessica Alba volunteers for the kids to check out her breasts?!!!? What the hell!

Monday, February 8, 2010



Why I'm okay with American's taking Haitian children

Not only is it irresponsible to send children back into these conditions, it's cruel. Any parent who doesn't willingly want their children to be taken to the U.S. is selfish beyond belief.

As long as the parents consent, off they should go...Maybe even if they don't consent.

Clamoured outside the Canadian embassy, adults, children and entire families scavenged for help -- a way out of Haiti.

Now a group of American missionaries go down and attempt to rescue, save, help and feed starving children --most of them were orphans-- and they are the bad guys? It's funny because most of the parents interviewed said they willingly gave their children to the missionaries to bring back.

It's ironic because it seems people are always looking for a way out of Haiti. Whether it be floating on a rickety boat to Florida or simply drifting on an inflated raft, ask anyone where they'd rather be, I'll bet they say "anywhere else."

So a group of "baptist" missionaries --all the news outlets had to point out they were "baptist"-- go down and attempt to bring Haitian children back. Some were orphans, some were children given up by their parents, others were just wandering children lost without family. Either way, these people in no way stole infants from the arms of mothers or raided shanties in the middle of the night. They simply took children that seemed lost and without care, and attempted to give them a better life. A better life they would undoubtedly not have if they lived out their lives in Haiti.

Some people might argue that what I'm saying is savage and brutal, and that no child should be taken from their parents --to this I agree. But I promise you that one day each and every child taken from Haiti to either the U.S. or Canada will look back and thank those that brought them.

These missionaries aren't kidnappers. They enormous hearts and deeply care for the children that are struggling in that tattered nation.

If anyone doubts those kids would have had better lives in America, read the information below. Instead, these children will now live a life of poverty, hunger and illiteracy because they were told they had to stay in the poorest country in the western hemisphere.

They should have let the missionaries take them.

Think the kids should have stayed in Haiti? Read this..

1) Fewer than 30% of Haitian children reach third grade
2) Haiti has suffered 32 Coups...
3) 54% of people don't have access to a clean water source
4) Only 24% of births are attended by a skilled professional
5) Life expectancy at birth is 48
6) About 100 for every 1,000 births result in death for the infant.
7) More than half live on a dollar a day.
8) Fewer than 75% attend school
9) UN estimates around 6 percent of Haitian have Aids...
10) Unemployment is over 80%..

Not only is it irresponsible to send children back into these conditions, it's cruel. Any parent who doesn't willingly want their children to be taken to the U.S. is selfish beyond belief.

50 states in 50 photos continues....

<---NORTH DAKOTA summed up..

We've been through Mississippi and South Carolina. Now to a place people rarely go. The conservative canadian blog takes the photo journey to North Dakota...

Next stop...Wyoming....


Click on image to make larger...

Who can come up with a better caption than me? I have one in the back of my mind but I'm going to see if anyone else uses it first.

Good Luck...

Do not censor yourself.

Beer might be good for you?

<---Healthy Bones....

Beer might be good for you.

Now I have your attention.

No, really, beer might actually be good for your bones according to a new study that links the amount of silicon in beer to good bone health.

Little was known about how these silicon levels affected bone health until a recent study involving 100 commercial beers. Researches measured the silicon levels in the beers only to find that the high levels of silicon might enhance bone health and growth.

Knowing some of my buddies, they will probably think this is a free ticket to ride the beer goggle roller coaster. However, scientists are warning that beer should still be consumed in moderation.

A look to the future: Next week I will most likely be blogging about some idiot that took this seriously and killed himself via alcohol poisoning. I can see it now…the last words he muttered to his buddies -- "at least my bones are sturdy."


100% inappropriate....yet 150% correct....

Soldier Waterboards Daughter, 4, after ABCs fallout

That's what I call tough love...

An American soldier, 27, is accused of waterboarding his 4-year-old daughter because she wouldn't recite her ABC's properly.

He allegedly beat his daughter and then held her head under the kitchen sink after "refusing to say the ABCs."

The girls mother says her daughter had severe bruising on her back and then locked herself in a closet to hide from her deranged father.

While talking to police the man reportedly did not know what he did wrong in using this learning tool to assist his daughter in learning the alphabet.

Sounds logical...

Use the same methods you used on Chemical Ali to get your daughter to spell properly...


Lars out....


The readers have spoken...

75 percent voted to let kids bump, grind and hump at school dances....

You people are disgusting...

New Poll question coming....

Take the time to log on and vote using AIM name....


The caption of the week contest goes to winger for this dandy...

Winger said...

Advertisment: "UPS having trouble handling your pocket sewing machine orders? Call "Guy In A Tux" Delivery. He will make sure you can attent to all of your minor stiching emergencies>"

Friday, February 5, 2010

SEXY STORY: Seattle comes down on Bikini Bartenders...

Want some whip cream with that?

A few coffee shops in the Seattle area introduced bikini wearing baristas some three years ago hiring attractive bikini-wearing females to serve patrons their drinks.

It seemed like a good idea until police discovered that -- you guessed it -- some of the bikini baristas were taking money under the table to let patrons fondle them and receive lap dance shows in the stores.

Apparently for $80 you can fondle the girls and take photographs as they put on exotic shows.

The problem? Sometimes the girls and the exotic demonstrations are in view of passing cars outside the store.

Police issued citations for prostitution and now some of the coffee shops face court dates.

At times complaints have rolled in as local residents are telling police that sometimes the baristas are "wearing less than bikinis"...you do the math....

The employees claim to make between $100-$150 in tips during six hour shifts.

One barista said "we just wear lingerie, or bras and panties. We have a lot of regulars..."

That's surprising....

NYC Student arrested for writing on desk...

There's not too much information on this other than apparently a 12-year-old student was arrested and taken from class after doodling on her desk.

What did she write?

"Lex was here on 2/1/10" and "I love my friends..."

That's right all of you Canadians. The U.S. justice system will dominate you. We're not like that weak Canadian system that gives murderers two years for every year served pre-trial. We arrest you for writing on desks!

Okay, seriously...

What the hell is going on in the NYC school system? Not to mention...does that girl look 12!?!?!

Shouldn't smarter minds prevail here? Maybe detention? or suspension? But to arrest her?

The ACLU is coming after the school and cops for taking this chick to jail. She was released a short time after arriving and with an assignment of eight hours community service and a book report on her overall experience.

If I were her I'd jot down how ridiculous the school system and justice system are in NYC.

Still can't believe this girl is 12....

Too harsh...or should they have gone the Chinese route and cut off her fingers? Kidding....

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The model on the screen is reportedly Half Naked Victoria's Secret beauty Miranda Kerr according to the London Free Press.

Watch the desktop monitor behind the man speaking on camera. Someone was getting a little frisky at work and decided to peep at some risky photos online....Talk about being caught with your pants down -- almost.

I LOVE THIS GUY, man ticketed for using car pool lane

A New York man has some explaining to do.

Police caught the man using the "high-occupancy" vehicle lane on the Long Island Expressway. The lane is designed for car poolers most likely as a way to reward environmentally friendly car users.

Police pulled than man over as the passenger looked "dead" and very suspicious (I'm guessing similar to a Weekend at Burnie's kind of dead).

When the officer approached the vehicle he saw that the 61-year-old man had placed a female mannequin in the front seat to make it appear that his car had other occupants, therefore allowing him to use the car pool lane.

The man faces a court summons and a $135 ticket.

The officer simply replied "The tip-off was the sunglasses."

HUGE SHOCKER: Brittany killed herself!!


I should have put 'spoiler alert'

A coroner has ruled Brittany Murphy's death an "accident."

So did she take mass amounts of pills by accident? I guess this basically means that her husband didn't killer her.

No more information was provided other than that a full report will be made available in a few weeks.

Basically they told us everything we already knew...If you take loads and loads of pain killers and sleeping pills, your heart will blow up in your chest.

Any guesses on what celebrity kills themselves next?

Lohan is a safe bet at 2 to 1

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Mildred's Temple Kitchen, a restaurant located not too far from the conservative Canadian, is promoting sex in all of its' four bathrooms.

The Toronto eatery bills itself as one of the 101 places to bump uglies before you die.

In the bathrooms you'll find everything from Kama Sutra mags, to candles and pillows -- oh ya, and a toilet.

A store spokesperson told a local Toronto paper that they've "always had little trysts in the bathrooms," and that they're "taking it to the next level on Valentine's weekend."

Bathrooms light up when patrons enter to give a warning to those that might encroach on the action.

Customers must bring their own Jimmy's and a maid tidys up on the weekends.

Toronto Public Health issued a statement saying the sex acts are not illegal as long as they are not performed in the Kitchen.

There is also a 30 minute limit, to which one patron replied....

"30 minutes! I can get at least 4 or 5 in..."


Articles referred to by Duncan, correspondent

Hilarious Plan on how to get your children taken away, if you hate them...




Tuesday, February 2, 2010

REMARKABLE BREAKTHROUGH -- Teaching Abstinence only doesn't work!

CNN is releasing results from a long term study on whether or not schools should be teaching fifth and sixth graders Abstinent-only sex ed or Safe sex ed...

Drum Roll Please....

The results showed that over 1/3 of fifth and sixth graders that were taught abstinent only sex-ed were having sex within two years.

So the debate is over. All those crazy parents out there that believe their kids should only be taught about abstinence and should not be introduced to safe sex procedures at a young age, you've failed your children miserably.

Children are going to find out what sex is, how to do it and what temptation is like. You're living in a dream world if you think your little sixth grader is an innocent little boy. That's an astounding number - 1/3 of sixth graders were having sex within just a few years?!?!?!

Obama took heat because he cut funding to abstinent only sex ed programs. Maybe he did it for a reason, they don't work.

Teach abstinence, but also teach the other decisions and paths a kid might take.

Cheers, Lars

A conversation held between a Chinese national and I...

After posting the the article below involving a 9-year-old Chinese girl and an alleged rape. A Chinese national hit back at me on facebook....

Here's the conversation....

Who do you think won??

Zi 王子 Wang
OK, first of all I dont know where you heard about the hand cutting story. and if you dont live in a country, you dont know what you're talking about.
2 hours ago ·
Kurt Larson
Kurt Larson
Ya, you're right..they do much worse to people living in Tibet
about an hour ago ·
Zi 王子 Wang
Zi 王子 Wang
Tibet is a province in China. and again, if you have not lived it and seen it, dont assume and start spreading your false assumptions.
58 minutes ago ·
Kurt Larson
Kurt Larson
People in Tibet haven't 'been beaten and murdered in the past?
55 minutes ago ·
Zi 王子 Wang
Zi 王子 Wang
balck people never got beat up n raped n killed here?
I'm not gonna carry on it's stupid to talk about something you have no true knowledge of.
26 minutes ago ·
Kurt Larson
Kurt Larson
You are absolutely correct..black people get beat up all the time...and so do white people. Not quite sure what you're trying to point out here?

China is a place of suppression and oppression. It's communist and it's a place where freedom doesn't exist.

You can't even surf the internet there without government restrictions. You can't practice Christianity there without the government monitoring you. Isn't there a rule that you're only allowed to have one child???...See More
5 minutes ago ·
Kurt Larson
Kurt Larson
I'm surprised you're even allowed to be on Facebook now...I'm assuming you are in the Land of the Free still?
2 minutes ago ·

Girl, 9, becomes youngest mother EVER..But wait.....

It's a boy!!!

Reports out of China say the girl was discovered and brought to hospital when she was already eight and a half months preggy. Two days later she gave birth via Caesarian section.

Apparently the family refused to talk about the pregnancy but allegedly had informed police of the girls condition.

So what happened here?

First of all, the headline is a bit deceiving. After researching quite extensively, it has come to my attention that the youngest girl to give birth was a five-year-old in Peru in 1939...what were they putting in her cereal?!?!?!

Although how she became pregnant is unclear, Chinese authorities stated that the case is being handled as a rape because anyone under 14 in China has no "sexual rights."

If they cut off your hand in China for stealing...what do they do for raping 9-year-olds?

Any guesses?

Don't Ask Don't Tell under fire...CAN YOU BELIEVE GAYS ARE IN THE ARMY?!?!?!

Believe it or not...gays are in the military.

I'm actually surprised they even let them in. Seriously, how can anyone want someone like this risking their life to defend our country and the liberty they don't receive at home?! We shouldn't be thanking these people for their time and service, we should be condemning them as abominations. Gays shouldn't be allowed to fight for liberty and peace around the world, or protect American borders. It's a disgrace that they risk their life everyday to protect the American people, some of which absolutely despise homosexuality. Yet they continue on and fight for freedom in honour of lady liberty. How dare they want equal rights under the law. How dare they fight enemy insurgents with that gay mind and body!!!!!

Okay, hopefully by the second sentence you heard the sarcasm in my voice. I honestly can't believe this is still up for debate in the states. How can you deny gays the right to serve in the military? Especially a volunteer army that is continuously speaking out about not having enough bodies.

According the cnn.com, since being introduced, the American military has discharged somewhere around 13,500 gay soldiers because of their sexual preference. This is an astounding number and pretty much shocks me.

I'll admit, I'm too chicken shit to want to go overseas and risk being blown up by a terrorist woman who has packed C4 beneath her bra. I guess you could say some of these gay men or more man than I.

Thoughts? Is this a good policy?

Lars thinks it should be changed now!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Anyone else think GAGA has a strange 'midsection' region?

I Do...

It looks like the hind legs of a pure bread stallion. I mean, those things are either really really meaty or really really fit. Either way, this performer has to be doing a ridiculous amount of leg curls and extensions.

Then again, her upper thigh, lower stomach region looks really weird. For some reason it's captivating...

Not saying I'm perfect, I have a hole in my chest, but I'm just not sure what's going on down there.


The Contest: Write the best cutline, headline for the PHOTO

Some of you "creatives" out there, put your minds to work.

I want to see if anyone can come up with a headline better than mine for this one.

The results will be revealed sometime in the coming days as I'll pick the best contributor.

Let's see some wit.

Post it in the comments section or email it to freelancer1@inbox.com

Last week's POLL RESULTS....

Contributors to the Conservative Canadian blog ruled 75% in favour of.....

Heidi going "lots bigger" in the future.

Vote on this week's poll.


Monday's Run Through....


-Sexual Bending
-Dancers must remain upright
-No hands on knees
-No touching of the breast, genitals
-Both feet must stay on the ground at all times....

The above are rules implemented by a Michigan school at school dances. What do you think? I like it. The school has no responsibility to provide a safe haven for sexual behaviours and foreplay. Are kids having sex outside of marriage -- absolutely. But the school is a place where none of this stuff should go on.

Both feet on the ground? I guess that means they've outlawed the wheelbarrow. They got this one right!


-Didn't watch

HEIDI'S A HERO, Dr. Says....

- The Doctor that performed Heidi's breast augmentation and facial lacerations now claims his client is a Hero. Dr. Ryan says Montag is brave and was just trying to improve herself.

Everyone is talking about the "message it sends to young women?" Who cares...It's her body. She can do what she wants. Too, the decision she made is making her lots of money. How can you disagree with her decision?

She was fine before, didn't need the surgery, but looks better because of it. Better in the sense that she can do Playboy and a whole host of other jobs now.

A hero? No...Did she make the right decision? Yes, the decision that was right for her.

MEN...YOUR DREAMS HAVE COME TRUE -- Talking Sex Robot...

-She'll talk with you endlessly about how your day went, and even cook you dinner.

Okay, maybe not dinner...but...

An inventor in Vegas -- where else would this be -- unveiled his new talking sex robot.

She has all the proper "organs" and a computer system allows her to process questions and respond with proper answers.

Apparently more than 4,000 men have placed orders. I hope they are buying them as practical jokes.

There is however one feature that men will particularly enjoy -- there's a button to turn her off!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lars takes weekends off....I leave you with this....

Blog pause for weekends...so why don't we....

Back on Monday with more material.


Friday, January 29, 2010

Man turns Children into human force shield, Then takes over McDonalds play area...

This story out of Colorado -- Hippies....

Moving on...

Police in CO have arrested a 28-year-old man accused of passing out in a McDonald's play area and telling his children to bite, scratch and attack anyone that came near him.

It turns out the police were called and -- sure enough -- the children listened to daddy and attempted to attack police.

At one point, the 28-year-old man was heard telling his children to "bite the officers' faces off!"

Eventually police did what they do best (tased the man) and hauled him to jail.

The children were euthanized...Okay I made that up. The rest is true however.

Police said the man had a previous arrest warrant for failing to appear. He now faces charges of second-degree assault on an officer and possession of weed.

Colorado Springs -- never knew you were that crazy. Must be the altitude.


On a different note...The most adorable thing I've ever seen