Web Hits

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell under fire...CAN YOU BELIEVE GAYS ARE IN THE ARMY?!?!?!

Believe it or not...gays are in the military.

I'm actually surprised they even let them in. Seriously, how can anyone want someone like this risking their life to defend our country and the liberty they don't receive at home?! We shouldn't be thanking these people for their time and service, we should be condemning them as abominations. Gays shouldn't be allowed to fight for liberty and peace around the world, or protect American borders. It's a disgrace that they risk their life everyday to protect the American people, some of which absolutely despise homosexuality. Yet they continue on and fight for freedom in honour of lady liberty. How dare they want equal rights under the law. How dare they fight enemy insurgents with that gay mind and body!!!!!

Okay, hopefully by the second sentence you heard the sarcasm in my voice. I honestly can't believe this is still up for debate in the states. How can you deny gays the right to serve in the military? Especially a volunteer army that is continuously speaking out about not having enough bodies.

According the cnn.com, since being introduced, the American military has discharged somewhere around 13,500 gay soldiers because of their sexual preference. This is an astounding number and pretty much shocks me.

I'll admit, I'm too chicken shit to want to go overseas and risk being blown up by a terrorist woman who has packed C4 beneath her bra. I guess you could say some of these gay men or more man than I.

Thoughts? Is this a good policy?

Lars thinks it should be changed now!

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