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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Only 4,000 Troops remain in Iraq!

At the peak of the war close to 30,000 American men and women were fighting in Iraq. This is not only a testament to their success in capturing and killing an evil dictator that was responsible for the death of hundred of thousands of Kurds, but also a time to reflect on the war.

We should take something away from this decade-long invasion. Leave other countries alone and let them fight for themselves.

Don't get me wrong, Iraq is a better place without Saddam. He was a lunatic that without hesitation used chemical weapons on his own citizens living inside his borders. THIS IS FACT!

Foxnews reports 851 American deaths in Iraq. Hopefully people there are leading better lives as a result.

But let's ask ourselves this...Is Iraq more safe now than a decade ago?

The answer - NO

Roadside, hotel and car bombs will continue to torment the people of that nation for years, if not decades to come. For some reason differing sects in that nation will always produce extremists whose aim is blowing up hospitals, schools and children.

In my opinion the US needs to pack it in and get home. Leave the mess in Afghanistan alone. Most of the people there would rather just live their lives in primitive villages and get on with it. We must realize that some third world nations will never be safe, secure and stable for the people that live there.

Now some will compare the Taliban to Nazi's saying..."Well Kurt, should the coalition forces have let the Nazi's get away with killing the Jews..."

This is nowhere close to the same. The Nazi's systematically wiped out an entire nation of people because of their ethnic beginnings.

The Taliban is simply a disorganized group of extremists that will never go away and will continue to fight on. Let them have their place amongst the mountains of Pakistan. If they start performing ethnic cleansing rituals then we'll go in and waste them. But until then, let's pack it in and save our own people before going over their and getting our arms and legs blown off by IED's.

Let's focus on our own items at home before another soldier dies for absolutely no reason.

Is Iraq safer?
Should we get out of Afghanistan?

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