Web Hits

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ummm...this is why you don't MICROWAVE boxed wine...You use the oven...

For anyone who has ever wondered what happens when you microwave boxed wine, the results are pretty shocking. I actually didn't think something this extreme would happen. Enjoy...

So apparently boxed wine will electrocute and pretty much turn into a flaming H-Bomb upon receiving intense amounts of microwave treatment.

I'm really not sure if these guys were actually doing this for a laugh or if they expected it and were just prepared for what would result.

Either way, you must admit this was an entertaining 1:30 that you couldn't have spent anywhere else.



  1. it is becasue the bag in the box is made of foil and we all know that this happens when you put metal in the microwave.

  2. There is no way you knew the wicrowave would completely explode into the wall...

    I pictured a slight explosion in the microwave...

    PS...Will you be my blogs...resident microwave expert and experiment using a different item every week?

    We'll call it..."Will it explode..."

    Next week you will use a can of tomato soup

  3. It will explode becasue of the metal.

  4. That's not the point...the point is that people want to watch it explode because of the metal..they aren't wondering will it explode or not..they are wondering what kind of display will result...injuries...burns...fireworks....

    IF someone actually tuned in wondering if it would explode or not...

    A..They are retarded
    B..You just ruined it for them

  5. Ha ha. I will try anything in a microwave. I suggest that we try and round up all the old microwaves people are throwing out and use them for these experiments. I would seriously do that. maybe get everyone to put it on their FB wall
