Web Hits

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The lady in the TTC collection booth at Queen St.

The TTC has a kind of reputation for being full of unionized ass holes that are, in some cases, rude and inappropriate towards paying customers looking to get about the city.

The big lady at Queen subway station is a perfect example and exemplifies everything I hate about the TTC and its transit workers.

So goes the story....

Last week I enter the station with 10 dollars looking to secure entry into the subway system for 2.75. As I get to the collection boot I approach a grisly looking older large woman, who obviously hates her job, with a smile. I ask for "one please" meaning a single entry into the subway system.

She hands me back a five dollar bill and a bunch of change so I picked up the money and proceeded to walk through. Right as I'm ready to walk through she puts the lock on the gate and blocks me. I turn around to see what happened and it turns out I forgot to drop the change into the collection box before entering.

Now, I usually buy a metropass but on this occasion I was letting a friend use it. Basically, I feel I'm a valued customer that contributes to the TTC's bottom line every single month and during my time in Canada I've given them somewhere around 1,000 dollars +.....

So I look back at the lady and she's shaking her head at me and then yells out..."YOU NEED TO LISTEN BETTER"

Oh really...

So I go back and drop the change back in and politely say..."you need to learn how to treat the customers that pay your salary..."

I wanted to say some worse things and I can think of many....but I didn't because at that time I realized that I was the one moving about the city and she was the one in the small TTC box...

Anyway...what's up with people like that? These people think they are owed something and they need to come down off their high horse. It's not like I was some kind of kid trying to cheat my way into the system...I was a paying customer that was trying to get through the gates.

Maybe next time I walk through queen station I'll give her a wave and ask how her day has been. Heaven knows she most likely has no one at home to comfort her when she comes home from her daily job of being a rude ass clown.


  1. Yea. You shouldn't be treated like that. You just LOOK like a slob you aren't actually one.

  2. It's probably because you were seen rabble rousing with a known American jingoist.
