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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Canada as the "Nice and tolerant" country...

When it comes down to it, there's not really a difference between, say, a Minnesotan and a Canadian, but for some reason, up here north of the border we like to say that Canadians are respectful, tolerant and the nicest people on Earth.

Well, I've come to find that this is simply not true. One ride on the TTC (subway...bus...street car...) during rush hour will show you just how nice that fellow Canadian is and just how respectful that TTC driver is. If you've ever experienced being ushered into a bus or street car like cattle you know just how irritated people can get.

Further, Toronto isn't really a good representation of Canadians anyway because of the amount of immigrants that have flooded the city and could care less about Canadian customs or freedoms (I suppose that includes me although Americans aren't really foreigners here. They are simply glutton, capitalist, health care grabbing pigs).

Alright, I took that too far. Most Canadians are very respectful, just as Americans, Brits, and western Europeans are, but there are bad apples among every bunch. However, my experience tells me that, in the end, tolerance is thrown out the door in many situations both north and south of the border. So why is it that Canadians always say they are the most accepting people in the world? I really don't see any difference....


  1. I think that Canadians are more consistant across the whole country. Americans vary so much by region that there is a stigma set to all Americans set by a representation of some of them. Canadians are fairly consistant in their tollerance but someone from Minnesota and someone from Alabama would for the most part(I am generalizing here as their are obviously exceptions) would have completely different views. Whereas, someone from Halifax and someone from Vancouver would have very similar views.

  2. What's with the toned down version? There's no such thing as going too far, Lars.

    It's your pizza.

  3. ok, so lump the whole US together. We are just as tolerant as you Canandians. As spread out as you guys are, how could you possibly be all the same?

  4. Its actually pretty weird how similar most Canadians are. there is alot less of a separation then Americans. You can always tell where you are by some actions but its not easy to tell where someone is from. For example when I was at school on the east coast, I was constantly mistaken for someone who was from rural Nova Scotia even though I am from Toronto.
