Web Hits

Friday, November 13, 2009

Toronto, a city full of Euro Snobs

First let's define Eurosnob...

A Eurosnob is someone who believes with all their heart that European soccer leagues, players and statiums are the best in the world....Are they too far off....maybe not, but I'm sure a lot of brazilians, mexicans, Ghanaian's and Argentians might have something to say about that...


Eurosnobs...include Englishmen, Italians and the portugese/spanish that come over to North America and won't shut up about how great European soccer is. In fact, they won't give the Toronto FC the time of day because they think American and Canadian soccer is pretend and not worth their time....

Well, Hey Italians...at least our league doesn't have a multi million dollar gambling problem in which players are paid by the mob to throw games. I wouldn't go to an Italian soccer game if you paid me simply because I'd rather drink beer instead of red wine at the game.

Eurosnobs think european world cup qualification is so difficult too...

Did they even take a look at the tables...did they see the group the netherlands had? Dear lord...Scotland, macedonia and iceland and some other country that's smaller than PEI? Any one of the final six teams in Concacaf would dismantle those guys with the exception of Trinidad.

Anyway...Eurosnobs have Christiano Ronaldo like haircuts and they all think they're gods gift to soccer. They're the ones that get into fights outside in the parking lot of the scarborough indoor soccer centre...they're the one's that cram into bars just to see which team the mob paid off this week in league cup action.

Eurosnobs suck...

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