Web Hits

Friday, November 13, 2009

Homeless people in Toronto

There are at the very least hundreds, maybe even thousands of homeless bums scattered throughout the Greater Toronto Area. These are people that live on the streets year round under bridges, in door ways and in bank ATM outlets. Nonetheless, they are people with severe mental issues that for some reason choose the dead of winter over attempting to better their lives by finding a decent place to live and, at the very least, a job at mcdonalds.

So why am I discussing the bums today? I don't know, I just really don't like how they're so good at making people uncomfortable. For instance, If you walk into a drugmart, as soon as you come out there's a bum asking you for any "spare change" you have. what really makes this an issue is that...yes of course I have spare change, I just bought some toothpaste and a scratcher ticket. But honestly, I don't feel like giving a perfectly able human being money.

Maybe I'll start carrying around granola bars and handing those out instead.

Hear is what really grinds my gears. These bums are always smiling and are always telling you to "have a nice day" and so on....do they really mean that? Or are they just trying to get a loonie out of you?

I'll end with a story from last week...I'm walking into an ATM machine area when I see a rather large native woman laying on the floor. By this time my girlfriend Sinead is so horrified she decides to not even go it. The ATM machine area smells like a ciggarette because the lady has been illegally smoking indoors and she has what's left of a blanket thrown over her. Somehow she has one eye open and the other is as if she's sleeping. I go to pull 60 bucks out of the ATM machine for a laugh and a chat when I hear "excussssseemeeeee, can youuuuu, sparrrrrre someeeee change???"

Ya lady....I just pulled 20s out of the machine and I'm going to make it rain on you?

I simply didn't anser her and as I left I told her she should stop smoking in the enclosure. She didn't seem to hear me and instead went back to her slumber.

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