Web Hits

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's official, the city raised transit prices today in the middle of a rough recession..

Alright, so Macdonald's is already more expensive then in the states:

-Double Cheese in the states = 1.00
-Double Cheese in Toronto - 1.39

And to make matters worse, the TTC has officially voted to raise our monthly bus pass from 109 per month to $121 per month.

As I was telling my buddies last night, I understand having to pay more for better service, faster service, cost of living ect...Which is why a reasonable raise of a few dollars or may even five dollars would have been acceptable. But it just seems like this city is jacking up the price of things as people are losing their jobs.

I understand that even at $121 the TTC metropass is still a good deal. I will most likely use it more than enough to get my monies worth because a single ride now costs $3.00 --more than any other city might I add.

I guess it's just the idea that the councillors and people at the top of this joke don't seem to care about the user. If they cared about the user they wouldn't have gone hundreds of millions of dollars over budget therefore enabling them to hike up our costs.

Maybe an extra $12 a month isn't a lot to Adam Giambrone (ttc chair) but it's a lot to people just out of college that are trying make ends meet and are trying to pay back student debts and start a life.

If the people of Bloor-Lansdowne don't vote that joker out next year something is wrong with that community.

It's a difficult thing to swallow that everytime your down, your city and provincial gov. is their to hit you even harder with an HST, land tax, TTC price increase and more...

It's equally as difficult to swallow that it doesn't matter how much they hike up costs...people are still going to use mass transit because they are like me, they have to choice but to obey the nanny state, suck it up, and hand over the extra 100 bucks a year because it's still cheaper than owning a car.

At least I can say i'm green!

1 comment:

  1. So. Actually, I agree. However, I almost want to state that in all the US transit systems I have been on (NYC, Boston, Chicago) therehas not been one washroom in any station I could find. I would like to think that his is why they need more money but what it actually is is the union has so much power that guys giving tokens in the booth are making 6 figures. They are not the guys like "Spence" in King of Queens who has to still live with his mother.
