Web Hits

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

BANNING THE DICTIONARY, Why I'm okay with it...

A school in Southern CA will ban a Merriam-Webster dictionary because it contains the word "oral sex."

My first thought had nothing to do with whether or not it should be banned. I wondered why oral sex was even in the dictionary because it's two separate words...


Here's why I'm okay with them banning it. Even though I'm sure most of the kids already know what the word means, a parent has come out against that word being in the dictionary, not the dictionary as a whole.

Why not just remove that dictionary and bring in an elementary level dictionary?

People want to get tough and say that it's wrong and how dare this woman want to remove the dictionary. I say if it's inappropriate then get it out of there and get in a different dictionary. Who cares...they should be learning, not arguing over a single word (two words) in the dictionary.

So I am for them removing that dictionary as I can see why some would call it offensive.

You wouldn't show fourth graders movies with oral sex and nudity in the classroom...so why would you allow them to look at books that talk about it?

Although I'm sure a majority of these kids know what it is and are probably doing it...why not just take it out and replace it with a different dictionary?



  1. I think the school should be smacked in the head for ordering a college level dictionary for an primary school. I mean seriously, when one is looking at buying them and there are 2 beside each other on the shelf and one says primary and the other says college which one do you pick? That guy should be in the class of 4th graders and still maybe fail. Or at least given an R (for those who grew up in Toronto and had the levels system 1, 2, 3, 4 and R)

  2. All and all I don't think it's a big deal at all. It's a word the kids will come to know soon enough if they already don't...

    Make the parent shut up and bring in a new dic

  3. I agree that they should have a different dictionary. But how did the parent find it? Was the kid a child prodigy and just read the dictionary every night before bed and came upon "oral sex" making the mother feel uncomfortable? Chances are most kids will never find it in there and even if they did...they will probably think its weird and move on. However, my opinion on this might change had I seen the actual definition they put in there.
    On a side note, I find it HIGHLY disturbing that you think elementary age children know what oral sex is?! where the heck did you grow up son? I know kids are doing things waaaaay to early right now, but do you remember how old you were in elementary school? They were just barely teaching you about deoderant! You really think that some fourth graders are walking around asking for....well we will just leave it at that...

  4. Response: I think 5th and 6th graders for sure no about oral sex.

    And, coincidentally, i grew up up the street from you. HA
