Web Hits

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti: Feel bad for the people, not for the nation

Haiti...exactly the same as the Dominican Rep., only a bit farther west.

So why do these nations differ so much from one another? Why is one nation the poorest country in the western hemisphere and the other a booming tourist destination that produces mass amounts of Major League Baseball players?

According to an online news source in just the last five years, the United States has donated close to 1,000,000,000 (that's billion) in aid. Compare that with the world bank that has donated just 300 million.

My point?

Where the hell did all that money go?

There are only 9 million people living in Haiti. You're telling me 1 billion can't go into bettering that nation and living conditions in some way? Why isn't Haiti a tourist destination full of life and sea ports?


One of the first things that stood out to me when I saw the devestation caused by the massive earthquake that struck earlier this week was Haiti's shattered palace. It brought a grin to my face to see all of that corruption finally meet destruction. How can the people of Haiti sit back and watch as their president builds a massive palace while they survive on 2$ a day.

An earthquake didn't hit this nation earlier this week. This nation has been a joke and a catastrophe for decades.

What should be a booming island resort is instead controlled by money gauging self-righteous leaders that just saw their palace crumble down on top of them.
I say feel sorry for the citizens of Haiti, but not for the nation as a whole. That time has come and gone.


  1. If Fox News finds this, they might offer you a contract on the spot.

  2. Come on. Fox News is the pinnical of media outlets.

  3. I sent this to FoxNews...

    Glenn Beck is running it this afternoon.

