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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's Official, The NBA All Star game is terrible. This is what "PRACTICE?" gets you...

Allen Iverson to start all-star game...'nuff said.

A career low in scoring averaging 14 ppg and a brief "retirement" gets you a first team all star selection. Only in the NBA.

However, I don't necessarilly disagree with the decision because everyone loves AI an the game is pretty much just about the fans. I'm sure there will be some outrage over it, but for what?

It's not like this game means anything to NBA fans or players. Maybe the NBA should use the MLB model and have the all-star game actually mean something. Although I don't really agree with that either because it potentially punishes a team that may have a better season long record.

So the debate is over. AI does not statistically deserve to be in the All-Star game...But doesn't he deserve to be their simply because the fans like him, voted him in and want to see him play?


  1. I agree with the voting but I don;t agree with the starting of someone who is a very average player at best and i dont even know if he should be starting on his own team.

  2. Average at best? ONe of the greatest point guards of all time...

    It's not about starting, playing, the game or the dunk contest...

    it's about who people want to see...and they want to see AI...Thats it...no arguments will suffice

  3. I didn;t mean in the whole scheme of things im talk ing about right now.

  4. If they want to get serious they should make it coaches only vote.
