Web Hits

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is a story from last week.

A TTC employee fell asleep at work and a freelance blogger snapped him.

Members of the community are really coming out against this guy because our TTC fares just went up from 2.75 to 3.00. (For those of you who don't know what that is...it's a subway price.)

So this guy falls asleep while we pay more? A lot of people are outraged while others really don't care and think the guy should get a break.

What do you think? Should you be fired if you're caught sleeping on the job?

The guy works for a powerful union so most likley nothing will happen to him, but it still raises the question...is this acceptable behaviour? Would you fire him?

Feel free to sound off on the issue and listen to my take on the video.


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