Web Hits

Thursday, January 28, 2010

OKAY PETA...You're really starting to piss me off...

DISCLAIMER: This post has received criticism. It in no way speaks out against vegetarians. I like vegetarians and you should be able to eat what you want. This post directly speaks out against PETA and those that assault people with Pies, climb parliament and protest naked against the right to choose.

So it's all fun and games until someone gets a pie in the face...then it's hilarious.

PETA has been pretty active lately. Pieing a local minister in the face, protesting somewhere in the world at all times and now coming out against Punxsutawney Phil -- The groundhog.

In light of all these events, it's time for a PETA rant.

The organization is starting to get on my nerves. It's nice when they send out their models to prance around half-naked with bunny ears on, but it stops right there. Even the pie in the face was pretty hilarious even though I felt bad for the minister. (See pie in the face below)

However, now they want to replace Phil with a robotic groundhog? What? The only way this group will ever be happy is if every animal on Earth is free and running in the streets.

I'm all for blasting a dear in the head if their population is running out of control. I'm also okay with euthanizing pets if no one wants them. Clubbing seals is okay as well seeing as the natives have been doing it for a half millennium.

These are the same leaf-eating idiots that are against eating meat because it's harmful to the animals. I'm not sure what they don't understand about the food chain, but we're at the top. The world doesn't lose anything following the death of baby seals or Bambi. We need to eat meat to survive and be healthy. I'm sorry, your wrong, we cannot go around eating tree leaves and beans and sustain healthy, active lives.

If you want to be a vegetarian, go for it. But don't tell me I'm a deplorable person because I like deer sausage. If we were stranded on a deserted island...I'd eat you.

PS...the pie in the face was hilarious though.


  1. If it seems like i'm coming at vegetarians here..I'm not.

    All I'm saying is it's natural for humans to enjoy meat. If it wasn't natural...a majority of the world wouldn't do it.

    Unnatural is being a vegetarian.

  2. you got my thoughts off of the record.

  3. Its funny people think animals have feelings and need an organization to speak for them because they cant. Why do they think animals are on this planet?

  4. They are hear for me to eat. End of story. For instance...Cows don't contribute to society...they eat grass and produce milk. That's it.

    They also produce spare ribs...mmmmmmm
