Web Hits

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

HEIDI MONTAG to go "bigger" than DDD - When will the insanity stop?

She's a genius. Flat out.

She knows people are captivated by her controversial decisions so why not go out and make some more reckless ones?

Not only did she have 10 minor plastic surgeries, but now she's on tour telling everyone about it. I wonder how much she's paid per talk show interview? 10k...20k...more? I can tell you that she certainly isn't doing it for free and she's certainly making a lot of green.

So Heidi Montag is doing everything right. She had some plastic surgery, bettered herself and is now trying to be as ridiculous as possible so people will continuously call her for interviews, TV spots and more. Everyone thinks she's crazy, but I know the truth.

She's not crazy. She's making tons of money from magazine covers, to inside edition appearances and more. Do you really think she's planning on going "bigger." No. She's just saying that stuff to get a rise out of people so more and more magazines and talk shows will follow her.

In my opinion she's a bit crazy, but knows how to make a whole lot of money being that way.


Video blog reveals some other shockers...


  1. She looked better before the surgery..back in 05

  2. rep drake boi. and keep the stache.

  3. She is capitalizing on the stupidity of people to follow very unimportant other people.
